So as you can see by the previous post, this blog has not been updated since 2017. It was a side project Iaunched as I began playing with acrylic paint, and it has been this way since I moved on a bit to other things. Not so much moved on as back to focusing on Glowies, I just have not had time to paint! I do work on lots of art projects and need to reconnect here and start making posts again. Thanks for reading if you got this far! I will be adding things and updating for future reference.
Favorite Painting from my latest session
I am always trying to fit time into my schedule for paint fun, and was able to do a quick session this week. I wanted to try these fall colors. I used yellow and orange with some magenta and purple. This was my favorite. I hope it dries and looks just as bright! This is a photo of it still wet. 🙂
Also new in the shop, this lovely sunshine orange and magenta pillow which you can see has one of my painting patterns in the design. It is bright and colorful. 🙂
See more pics: Orange and Magenta Fluid Art Print Pillow
Ocean Blue Fluid Art Patterned Pillows
I made a couple of new pillow designs with scans of my painting ocean blue. The seahorse silhouette has the pattern and also on the backside of that pillow. I also offer the ocean design on both sides. They are both beautiful ocean inspired designs and look beautiful together.
See more pics: Seahorse Pillow
See more pics: Blue Ocean Fluid Art Painting Patterned Pillow
Cosmic Rainbow Butterfly Pillow
I am excited to be creating pillows and more with images and artwork from my paintings! This rainbow butterfly is one of them. Its so beautiful against the darker galaxy background. 18 inches and includes the insert.
See more pics here:
Cosmic Rainbow Butterfly Pillow
I also created a shirt! This is my favorite womens cut t-shirt. They are super comfy and I own several in this style. Choose your color.
Which color do you like best? See them here: Cosmic Rainbow Butterfly Shirt
Lulas Boutique
I am excited to finally have my new site open and ready. Thanks to everyone who has already ordered! Lulas Boutique will carry my original designs of graphics that I create from my paintings, and other elements. It is exciting to take my design essences such as moon and start and create things you can decorate your home with and also apparel and accessories. Thank you all for your support and lots of exciting things to come! I will be posting my painting art here mostly and linking the items in my store that use images of my paintings. 🙂
Check out the new shop: Lulas Boutique
Purple Fluid Art Painting 10×20 inch Acrylic on Canvas
When I only have a short amount of time but craving some color fun. Purple and white! Next I will do blue and white.?❄️????
Pics from Last Nights Fluid Painting Session
Here are a few pics from the fluid art painting session last night. ?
A cup of paint all mixed up crazy
I love to fill up a cup with lots of different colors of paint. So satisfying!
Rainbow Flow Painting with my Daughter
I love to let her pick up the cup. It is the most fun part!
Flow Painting and Fluid Art Acrylic on Canvas Original Artworks
Welcome to my new site where I will feature my latest abstract artworks. I make colorful fluid art paintings and make videos of their creation.
Follow me on instagram to see my latest works: